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1. School Academic year will be from April to March.

2. Medium of instruction in all the subjects will be English but equal emphasis will be laid on the study and proficiency in Hindi.

3. There will be no formal examination from class I to V onwards. The evaluation and promotion (from Classes I to V) to the next cl;ass will be based on the semester and cycle tests.

4. The academic year for students from class V onwards will be divided into sessions.

  • Session I ---- April to October
  • Session II ---- November to March
  • Promotion will be granted to the student on the basis of marks obtained in the examinations held in both the sessions. The minimum performance in each subject should be 40 percent. minimum85% attendence throughout the year will be compulsory in order to appear in the Final examinations.

    However promotion to higher class will also depend upon the performance of the students in periodical tests, regularity in class work and home work and the teacher's evaluation regarding the students participation in extra curricular activities as well.

    N.C. KESWANI MEMORIAL SCHOLORSHIPS will be given to the meritorious students.

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