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  • Blending the rich legacy of old Indian traditions coupled with the state of the art teaching technologies, the school aims at promoting Indian values along with emphasis on the inculcation of scientific tempers and aesthetic sensitivity.
  • To promote intellectual and physical development to mould students into perfectly well-rounded personality, making them emotionally balanced, confident and strong.
  • To instill community spirit to lead life in mutual co-operation realizing the need of inter-dependence.
  • To reach high standards of competence enabling them to face the challenges of present day life with its very inherent problems of emotional and mental stress, high expectations and a fast paced life.
  • To further instigate the child's quest for knowledge through special focus on communication skills, leadership qualities including intensive grooming of the child's personality.
  • Every facet of strengthening of physical faculty's by excellent physical training and with a host of Extra Curricular Activities.
  • In an effort to provide high quality, integrated education, the objective is to mould successful, worthy citizens of India and of the world with a sound character and high ideals.
  • Raising Quality of the Education
  • Stress on Human Excellence by training the character as well as the intellect of the students :-
    1. Intellectual development.
    2. Physical development
    3. Emotional development
    4. Social and moral development
    5. Aesthetic development
  • Involvement in more community service projects
  • Provision of the best available educational infrastructure.
  • Career Guidance Programme
  • Special quality coaching guidance from the experts.
  • Counseling to adolescents
  • Value based education.
  • Continuous up gradation and training of teachers through seminars and workshop.
  • Promotion of curricular and co-curricular activities in the school.

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